

Peer Insights™


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via HTTP connector

Do everything in one place


When this happens…

Adeona PIM
  • New deleted product
    New deleted product in Adeona PIM
  • New record
    New record in Adeona PIM
  • New record Batch
    New record in Adeona PIM
  • New/updated record
    New/updated record in Adeona PIM
  • New/updated record Batch
    New/updated record in Adeona PIM
  • Any other trigger you can think up

CloudBlue Subscription Management
  • New Conversation is Started
    This trigger is activated once a new conversation is started on the Connect platform
  • Get Conversation Messages
    This action allows locating specific conversation messages on the Connect platform
  • New Case is Created
    This trigger is activated once a new case is created on the Connect platform.
  • New Case Comment
    This action allows creating a new helpdesk case comment on the CloudBlue Connect platform.
  • New/Updated Asset Request is Available
    This trigger activates once a new or updated subscription request is available for your specified Connect account.
  • New Recurring Asset is Created
    This trigger is activated once a recurring subscription is created on the Connect platform.
  • New Usage File is Available
    This trigger activates once a new usage file is available for your specified Connect account.
  • Any other trigger you can think up


Do this…

Adeona PIM
  • Custom action
    Custom action in Adeona PIM (Custom)
  • Search records using Scroll API
    Search records using Scroll API in Adeona PIM
  • Create records in batch Batch
    Create record (batch) in Adeona PIM
  • Delete records in batch Batch
    Delete record (batch) in Adeona PIM
  • Update records in batch Batch
    Update record (batch) in Adeona PIM
  • Create record
    Create record in Adeona PIM
  • Download file by ID
    Download file by ID in Adeona PIM
  • Finish a job
    Finish a job in Adeona PIM
  • Get record
    Get record in Adeona PIM
  • Search records
    Search records in Adeona PIM
  • Start a job
    Start a job in Adeona PIM
  • Update record
    Update record in Adeona PIM
  • Upload file contents
    Upload file contents in Adeona PIM
  • Any other action you can think up

CloudBlue Subscription Management
  • Accept a Tier Account Request
    Vendors can use this action to accept a tier account request in the pending state.
  • Add a Conversation Message
    This actions allows adding messages to existing conversations. Such messages can provide your business partners with valuable information (e.g., reasons why a request is not approved).
  • Approve a Tier Configuration Request
    Vendors can use this action to approve a tier configuration requests in the pending state.
  • Approve an Asset Request
    Vendors can use this action to approve a particular fulfillment request in the pending state.
  • Create a Cancel Asset Request
    Distributors can use this action to create a cancel fulfillment request and consequently to cancel a subscription on Connect.
  • Create Asset Change Request
    Distributors can use this action to create a new change subscription request. The asset identifier can be passed from previous datapills.
  • Create a Purchase Request
    Distributors can use this action to create a purchase subscription request. This action has line items support to add multiple items or set multiple parameters (order type).
  • Create a Suspend/Resume Asset Request
    Distributors can use this action to create a suspend or resume fulfillment request and subsequently suspend or resume required subscription. Note that the asset identifier can be passed from previous datapills.
  • Change a Helpdesk Case State
    Allows assignging pending, resolved, or inquiring status to a helpdesk case on the CloudBlue Connect. Note that the case identifier can be passed from previous datapills.
  • Change a Listing Request State
    Use this action to change the status of your listing requests and consequently to complete this request.
  • Create a Billing Request
    This action allows creating a new billing request object on the Connect platform.
  • Helpdesk Case Creation
    Use this action to create a new helpdesk case on the Connect platform. Your case may (or may not) be related to a particular Product.
  • Create a Helpdesk Comment
    Allows creating a comment within your selected Helpdesk Case.
  • Custom action
    Custom action in CloudBlue Connect
  • Populate Asset Request Parameters
    Vendors can use this action to provide values for fulfillment parameters for subscription requests in the pending state. Furthermore, by using line items support, it is possible to populate such parameters dynamically.
  • Get Usage Records
    Use this action to locate required usage record objects on the Connect platform.
  • Ignore a Tier Account Request
    Vendors can use this action to ignore a tier account request in the pending state.
  • Set the Inquire status to an Asset Request
    Vendors can use this action to moves the request to the inquire state, allowing technical contact to populate parameters marked as error.
  • Reject an Asset Request
    This action allows rejecting a particular subscription request.
  • Reject a Tier Configuration Request
    Vendors can use this action to reject a tier configuration request.
  • Locate Helpdesk Cases
    This action allows locating specific Helpdek cases on the Connect platform
  • Locate Assets
    Use this action to locate specific subscription objects on CloudBlue Connect
  • Locate Billing Requests
    Use this action to locate specific Billing Requests on the Connect platform.
  • Get Messages by Conversation ID
    Get a list of all available messages for a given conversation on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Conversations
    This action allows locating specific conversation objects on the Connect platform
  • Locate Listing Request
    Allows locating specific listing requests on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Product Items
    Allows locating specific product items on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Product Parameters
    Use this action to locate specific Parameters for a particular Product on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Products
    Use this action to locate specific products on the Connect platform
  • Locate Asset Requests
    Use this action to locate specific Fulfillment Requests on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Tier Account Requests
    Use this action to locate particular Tier Account Requests on CloudBlue Connect.
  • Locate Tier Accounts
    Use this action to find specific Tier Accounts on the Connect platform.
  • Locate Tier Configuration Requests
    Use this action to locate particular Tier Configuration Requests on CloudBlue Connect.
  • Create a Tier Account Request
    Distributors can create a new Tier Account Request and consequently provide Vendors with required data changes.
  • Update a Helpdesk Case
    Allows updating cases within the Helpdesk module on the Connect platform.
  • Create an Update Tier Config Request
    Distributors can create an Update Tier Config Requests for existing Tier Configs, it is required to specify a Tier Config ID and parameters that should be updated (order type).
  • Any other action you can think up

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  • monday.svg
  • box.svg
  • hp-2.svg
  • atlassian.svg
  • cisco.png

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