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via HTTP connector
Why you should automate with Sitecore
Organize campaigns
Why these integrations and automations matter:
Integrate Sitecore with your marketing platforms and task management tools to better manage your existing web content and to set a firm launchpad for future marketing campaigns.Unite your campaigns.
Coordinate campaigns across channels and teams by integrating Sitecore with MAPs like Salesforce Marketing Cloud. In doing so, you can create, track, and update campaigns in both platforms without manually moving data.Update your projects.
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The wonders of Workato
Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
- 1000s of ready-to-use templates
- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
- Build bots. Put them to work
*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.
Market leaders run on Workato
Related Solutions & Content
About Sitecore Integrations
Sitecore is a web content management and multichannel marketing platform that lets your business create, customize, and iterate marketing content for different audiences. With Sitecore, you can create content at scale to accommodate all your market segments and channels.
How you can integrate Sitecore
- Store, manage, and distribute rights-managed digital assets
- Streamline marketing content planning, production, and publication
- Stay on top of your product content management