Peer Insights™
Customer Recommendation
active users
2 min
to connect
Custom connections
via HTTP connector
Do everything in one place
When this happens…
- New PatientTriggers when a new patient is added to a specified list.
- New ProcedureTriggers when a new procedure is added for a specific patient
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
- Find AppointmentFind appointment in system
- Get AppointmentGet Appointment in FHIR
- Book AppointmentBook Appointment in FHIR
- Create DocumentReferenceCreate DocumentReference in FHIR
- Create a patientcreate a new patient
- Create Questionnaire ResponseCreate Questionnaire Response in FHIR
- Get Immunization by IDGet Immunization in FHIR
- Get Immunization RecommendationGet Immunization Recommendation in FHIR
- Get Patient by IDGet Patient in FHIR
- Search Immunization RecommendationSearch Immunization Recommendation in FHIR
- Search ImmunizationsSearch Immunizations in FHIR
- Get patient's medication historyGet patient's medication history in Epic
- Observation SearchObservation Search in Epic
- Observation UpdateObservation Update in Epic
- Observation Create (Vitals)Observation Create (Vitals) in Epic
- Match PatientMatch patient in FHIR
- Create ProblemCreate Problem in Epic
- Read Service Request(Community Resource) (R4)Read Service Request in Epic
- Read TaskRead Task in Epic
- Search for patientSearch for patient with Date of birth and last name
- Search TasksSearch Tasks in Epic
Any other action you can think up
The wonders of Workato
Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
- 1000s of ready-to-use templates
- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
- Build bots. Put them to work
*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.