Do everything in one place

Customize your Anthology Blackboard integration with the following triggers and actions.


Do this…

Anthology Blackboard
  • Delete Announcement
    Delete Announcement in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Calendar Item
    Delete Calendar Item in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Category
    Delete Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Membership
    Delete Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Course
    Delete Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Question
    Delete Question in Anthology blackboard
  • Remove Child Course
    Remove Child Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Content
    Delete Content in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Rule
    Delete Rule in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Adaptive Release Rule Criterion
    Delete Adaptive Release Rule Criterion in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Group Predicate
    Delete Group Predicate in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete ACL User Predicate
    Delete ACL User Predicate in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete File Attachment
    Delete File Attachment in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Content Group
    Delete Content Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Message
    Delete Message in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Attachment
    Delete Attachment in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Grade Column
    Delete Grade Column in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Grade Notation
    Delete Grade Notation in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Grading Period
    Delete Grading Period in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Grade Schema
    Delete Grade Schema in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Group
    Delete Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Group Membership
    Delete Group Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete All Meetings In Course
    Delete All Meetings In Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Course Meeting
    Delete Course Meeting in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete All Records In Meeting
    Delete All Records In Meeting in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Attendance Record
    Delete Attendance Record in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete All Attendance Records By Course And User Id
    Delete All Attendance Records By Course And User Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete All Attendance By User Id
    Delete All Attendance By User Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Data Source
    Delete Data Source in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Node
    Delete Node in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Node Admin
    Delete Node Admin in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Node Course Association
    Delete Node Course Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Node User Association
    Delete Node User Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Domain Config
    Delete Domain Config in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Placement
    Delete Placement in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Pronoun
    Delete Pronoun in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Term
    Delete Term in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete User
    Delete User in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Observer
    Delete Observer in Anthology blackboard
  • Delete Group Set
    Delete Group Set in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Announcements
    Get Announcements in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Announcement
    Get Announcement in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attempt Receipt
    Get Attempt Receipt in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Calendars
    Get Calendars in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Calendar Items
    Get Calendar Items in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Calendar Item
    Get Calendar Item in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Categories
    Get Categories in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Category
    Get Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Memberships
    Get Memberships in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Child Categories
    Get Child Categories in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Resources
    Get Resources in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Content Collection Resource
    Get Content Collection Resource in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Resource Children
    Get Resource Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Roles
    Get Course Roles in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Role
    Get Course Role in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Courses
    Get Courses in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course
    Get Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Goal Alignments
    Get Course Goal Alignments in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Questions
    Get Questions in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Question By Id
    Get Question By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Children
    Get Course Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Child
    Get Child in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Contents
    Get Contents in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Content
    Get Content in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rules
    Get Rules in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rule
    Get Rule in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Criteria
    Get Criteria in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Adaptive Release Rule Criterion
    Get Adaptive Release Rule Criterion in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Adaptive Release ACL Group Predicates
    Get Adaptive Release ACL Group Predicates in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Adaptive Release ACL User Predicates
    Get Adaptive Release ACL User Predicates in Anthology blackboard
  • Get File Attachments
    Get File Attachments in Anthology blackboard
  • Get File Attachment
    Get File Attachment in Anthology blackboard
  • Download
    Download in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Content Children
    Get Content Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Content Groups
    Get Content Groups in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Content Group
    Get Content Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Review Status
    Get Review Status in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Cross List Set
    Get Cross List Set in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Discussions
    Get Discussions in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Discussion
    Get Discussion in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Discussion Groups
    Get Discussion Groups in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Discussion Messages
    Get Discussion Messages in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Message Replies
    Get Message Replies in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attempt File Meta Data List
    Get Attempt File Meta Data List in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attempt File Meta Data
    Get Attempt File Meta Data in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Gradebook Categories
    Get Gradebook Categories in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Gradebook Category
    Get Gradebook Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Columns
    Get Grade Columns in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Column
    Get Grade Column in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Column Attempts
    Get Column Attempts in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Column Attempt
    Get Column Attempt in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric Evaluations
    Get Rubric Evaluations in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Gradebook Logs By Gradebook Column Id
    Get Course Gradebook Logs By Gradebook Column Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric Associations By Column Id
    Get Rubric Associations By Column Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Column Grades
    Get Column Grades in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Column Grade
    Get Column Grade in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Notations
    Get Grade Notations in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Notation
    Get Grade Notation in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Gradebook Logs
    Get Course Gradebook Logs in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grading Periods
    Get Grading Periods in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grading Period
    Get Grading Period in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Schemas
    Get Grade Schemas in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Grade Schema
    Get Grade Schema in Anthology blackboard
  • Get User Grades
    Get User Grades in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Groups
    Get Groups in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group
    Get Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group Memberships
    Get Group Memberships in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group Membership
    Get Group Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Meetings
    Get Course Meetings in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Meeting
    Get Course Meeting in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attendance Records By Meeting Id
    Get Attendance Records By Meeting Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attendance Record
    Get Attendance Record in Anthology blackboard
  • Generate Attendance Data Download Url
    Generate Attendance Data Download Url in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Attendance Records By User Id
    Get Attendance Records By User Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Messages
    Get Messages in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Message Participants
    Get Message Participants in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Folders
    Get Folders in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Nodes For Course
    Get Nodes For Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Review Status By Course Id
    Get Review Status By Course Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Top Level Course Resources
    Get Top Level Course Resources in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Resource
    Get Course Resource in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Resource Children
    Get Course Resource Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubrics
    Get Rubrics in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric By Id
    Get Rubric By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric Associations
    Get Rubric Associations in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric Association By Id
    Get Rubric Association By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Rubric Evaluation By Id
    Get Rubric Evaluation By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Task
    Get Task in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Toc Items
    Get Toc Items in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Course Memberships
    Get Course Memberships in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Membership
    Get Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Data Sources
    Get Data Sources in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Data Source
    Get Data Source in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goals
    Get Goals in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goal By Id
    Get Goal By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goal Alignments
    Get Goal Alignments in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Children Goals
    Get Children Goals in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goal Sets
    Get Goal Sets in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goal Set By Id
    Get Goal Set By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goal Set Category By Id
    Get Goal Set Category By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Goals From Set And Category
    Get Goals From Set And Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Types
    Get Types in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Institution Roles
    Get Institution Roles in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Institution Role
    Get Institution Role in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Nodes
    Get Nodes in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node
    Get Node in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node Admins
    Get Node Admins in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node Admin
    Get Node Admin in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node Children
    Get Node Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node Course Associations
    Get Node Course Associations in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Tools
    Get Tools in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Node User Associations
    Get Node User Associations in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Login As Sessions
    Get Login As Sessions in Anthology blackboard
  • Get SIS Logs By Data Set Uid
    Get SIS Logs By Data Set Uid in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Domain Configs
    Get Domain Configs in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Domain Config
    Get Domain Config in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Placements
    Get Placements in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Placement
    Get Placement in Anthology blackboard
  • Authorization Code
    Authorization Code in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Token Info
    Get Token Info in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Proctoring Services
    Get Proctoring Services in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Proctoring Service
    Get Proctoring Service in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Pronouns
    Get Pronouns in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Active Sessions
    Get Active Sessions in Anthology blackboard
  • Get System Roles
    Get System Roles in Anthology blackboard
  • Get System Role
    Get System Role in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Info
    Get Info in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Policies
    Get Policies in Anthology blackboard
  • Get System Task
    Get System Task in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Version
    Get Version in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Terms
    Get Terms in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Term
    Get Term in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Settings
    Get Settings in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Users
    Get Users in Anthology blackboard
  • Get User
    Get User in Anthology blackboard
  • Get User Avatar
    Get User Avatar in Anthology blackboard
  • Get User Memberships
    Get User Memberships in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Nodes For User
    Get Nodes For User in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Observees
    Get Observees in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Observers
    Get Observers in Anthology blackboard
  • Get User Pronunciation Audio
    Get User Pronunciation Audio in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Current Active User By Id
    Get Current Active User By Id in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Column Grade Last Changed
    Get Column Grade Last Changed in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group Sets
    Get Group Sets in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group Set
    Get Group Set in Anthology blackboard
  • Get Group Set Children
    Get Group Set Children in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Announcement
    Update Announcement in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Calendar Item
    Update Calendar Item in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Category
    Update Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Course
    Update Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Question
    Update Question in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Content
    Update Content in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Rule
    Update Rule in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Adaptive Release Rule Criterion
    Update Adaptive Release Rule Criterion in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Review Status
    Update Review Status in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Discussion
    Update Discussion in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Message
    Update Message in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Grade Column
    Update Grade Column in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Column Grade
    Update Column Grade in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Grade Notation
    Update Grade Notation in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Grading Period
    Update Grading Period in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Grade Schema
    Update Grade Schema in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Group
    Update Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Course Meeting
    Update Course Meeting in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Attendance Record
    Update Attendance Record in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Toc Item
    Update Toc Item in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Membership
    Update Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Data Source
    Update Data Source in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Node
    Update Node in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Node Course Association
    Update Node Course Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Patch Tool
    Patch Tool in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Domain Config
    Update Domain Config in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Placement
    Update Placement in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Pronoun
    Update Pronoun in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Term
    Update Term in Anthology blackboard
  • Update User
    Update User in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Column Attempt
    Update Column Attempt in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Group Set
    Update Group Set in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Announcement
    Create Announcement in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Calendar Item
    Create Calendar Item in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Category
    Create Category in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Course
    Create Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Question
    Create Question in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Content
    Create Content in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Rule
    Create Rule in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Adaptive Release Rule Criteria
    Create Adaptive Release Rule Criteria in Anthology blackboard
  • Create File Attachment
    Create File Attachment in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Child
    Create Child in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Assignment
    Create Assignment in Anthology blackboard
  • Copy Course
    Copy Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Discussion
    Create Discussion in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Message
    Create Message in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Message Reply
    Create Message Reply in Anthology blackboard
  • Attach File
    Attach File in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Grade Column
    Create Grade Column in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Grade Notation
    Create Grade Notation in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Grading Period
    Create Grading Period in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Grade Schema
    Create Grade Schema in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Group
    Create Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Course Meeting
    Create Course Meeting in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Attendance Record
    Create Attendance Record in Anthology blackboard
  • Update Attendance Records
    Update Attendance Records in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Data Source
    Create Data Source in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Node
    Create Node in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Child Node
    Create Child Node in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Domain Config
    Create Domain Config in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Placement
    Create Placement in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Pronoun
    Create Pronoun in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Term
    Create Term in Anthology blackboard
  • Upload
    Upload in Anthology blackboard
  • Create User
    Create User in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Column Attempt
    Create Column Attempt in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Group Set
    Create Group Set in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Group Set Child
    Create Group Set Child in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Membership
    Create Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Add Child Course
    Add Child Course in Anthology blackboard
  • Set Group Predicate List
    Set Group Predicate List in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Group Predicate
    Create Group Predicate in Anthology blackboard
  • Set Adaptive Release ACL Users Predicates List
    Set Adaptive Release ACL Users Predicates List in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Adaptive Release ACL User Predicate
    Create Adaptive Release ACL User Predicate in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Content Group
    Create Content Group in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Discussion Group Association
    Create Discussion Group Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Group Membership
    Create Group Membership in Anthology blackboard
  • Set Node Admin Association
    Set Node Admin Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Node Course Association
    Create Node Course Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Node User Association
    Create Node User Association in Anthology blackboard
  • Create Observer
    Create Observer in Anthology blackboard
  • Any other action you can think up

The wonders of Workato

Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
  • 1000s of ready-to-use templates
  • Accelerate work with intelligent automation
  • Do it yourself, faster
  • Build bots. Put them to work

Market leaders run on Workato

  • monday
  • box
  • att
  • atlassian
  • slack

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