Do everything in one place
Customize your Harvest and Xobin integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
- New clientNew client in Harvest
- New projectNew project in Harvest
- New taskNew task in Harvest
- New time entryNew time entry in Harvest
- New/updated clientNew or updated client in Harvest
- New/updated projectNew or updated project in Harvest
- New/updated taskNew or updated task in Harvest
- New/updated time entryNew or updated time_entry in Harvest
- New/updated userNew or updated user in Harvest
- New userNew user in Harvest
Any other trigger you can think up
- New assessmentNew assessment in Xobin
- New completed candidateNew completed candidate in Xobin
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
- Custom actionCustom action in Harvest (Custom)
- Create clientCreate client in Harvest
- Create projectCreate project in Harvest
- Create taskCreate task in Harvest
- Create time entry via durationCreate time entry via duration in Harvest
- Create time entry via start and end timeCreate time entry via start and end time in Harvest
- Create userCreate user in Harvest
- Get client by IDGet client by ID in Harvest
- Get project by IDGet project by ID in Harvest
- Get task by IDGet task by ID in Harvest
- Get time entry by IDGet time entry by ID in Harvest
- Get user by IDGet user by ID in Harvest
- Search clientsSearch clients in Harvest
- Search projectsSearch projects in Harvest
- Search tasksSearch tasks in Harvest
- Search time entriesSearch time entries in Harvest
- Search usersSearch users in Harvest
- Update clientUpdate client in Harvest
- Update projectUpdate project in Harvest
- Update taskUpdate task in Harvest
- Update time entryUpdate time entry in Harvest
- Update userUpdate user in Harvest
Any other action you can think up
- Get test invite linkGet test invite link in Xobin
- Send test invite link to candidate via mailSend test invite link to candidate via mail in Xobin
Any other action you can think up
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- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
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