Do everything in one place
Customize your GoCo and LeadMaster integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
- Document updated Real-timeEmployee Document updated
- Employee compensation method changed Real-timeEmployee Compensation Method Changed
- Employee created Real-timeEmployee created
- Employee deleted Real-timeEmployee deleted
- Employee terminated Real-timeEmployee terminated
- Employee updated Real-timeEmployee updated
- Integration changed Real-timeIntegration info Changed on GoCo
- Notification created Real-timeNotification created in Go co connector
- Payroll sync map resources triggered Real-timePayroll Sync Map Resources Triggered
- Payroll sync newly hired Real-timePayroll Sync Newly Hired
- Payroll sync terminated Real-timePayroll Sync Terminated
- Payroll sync updated Real-timePayroll Sync Updated
- Time off requested Real-timeTime Off Requested
- Time off request updated Real-timeTime Off Request Updated
- Timesheet entry updated Real-timeTimesheet Entry Updated
- Timesheet updated Real-timeTimesheet Updated
- Workflow completed Real-timeWorkflow Has Been Completed on GoCo
- Workflow started Real-timeNew Workflow Started on GoCo
- Workflow task comment added Real-timeWorkflow Task Comment Added on GoCo
- Workflow task status changed Real-timeWorkflow Task Status Changed on GoCo
- Workflow template published Real-timeWorkflow Template Published on GoCo
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
- Company Additional Deductions ListLists Additional Deductions within a Company
- Company Additional Earnings ListLists Additional Earnings within a Company
- Company Class ListLists Company Classes within a Company
- Company Custom Fields ListCompany Custom Fields List in Go co connector
- Company Departments ListLists Departments within a Company
- Start a DocumentStart a Document For an Employee
- Company Documents Templates ListLists Documents Templates within a Company
- Employee Compensation Methods ListEmployee Compensation Methods List in Go co connector
- Employee CreateCreates an employee
- Employee Custom Fields Bulk UpdateEmployee Custom Fields Bulk Update in Go co connector
- Employee Custom Fields ListEmployee Custom Fields List in Go co connector
- Employee Documents One Off UploadEmployee Documents One Off Upload in Go co connector
- Employee Get By IDGets an employee by ID
- Employee ListLists Employees within a Company
- Employee State Withholdings ListEmployee State Withholdings List in Go co connector
- Employee UpdateUpdates an employee
- Company Job Titles ListLists Job Titles within a Company
- Company Locations ListLists Locations within a Company
- Inbox Notifications ListList Inbox Notifications within a Company
- Payroll Schedule ListLists Payroll Schedules within a Company
- Payroll Sync Employee Apply ChangesPayroll Sync Employee Apply Changes in Go co connector
- Payroll Sync Employee Match Provider IDsPayroll Sync Employee Match Provider IDs in Go co connector
- Payroll Sync Match Provider IDsPayroll Sync Match Provider IDs in Go co connector
- Report: Time Tracking EntriesReport for Time Tracking Entries
- Time Off Policies ListLists Time Off Policies within a Company
- Time Off Requests CreateCreate a Time Off Requests for an employee.
- Time Off Requests ListLists Time Off Requests within a Company
- Timesheet Entries ListLists Timesheet Entries Within a Company
- Add New Timesheet EntryAdd a New Entry For a Timesheet
- Timesheets ListLists Timesheets Within a Company
- Update Time Off Request DecisionApproves or Denies a Time Off Request
- Workflow Fields Bulk UpdateSupports updating Workflow Fields in Bulk
- Workflow Get By IDGets an workflow by ID
- Workflow Task UpdateUpdates a Workflow Task
- Workflow Template Field CreateCreates a Workflow Template Field
- Workflow Template Field UpdateChanges a Workflow Template Field
- Workflow Template ImportImports a Workflow Template
- Workflow Template ListLists Workflow Templates within a Company
- Workflow Template PublishPublishes a Workflow Template
Any other action you can think up
The wonders of Workato
Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
- 1000s of ready-to-use templates
- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
- Build bots. Put them to work
*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can
connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.