How Ramp Revamped GTM with Workato’s API Platform

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Kunal Singh, Business Systems Engineering Lead at Ramp, has always found great joy in keeping simple things simple. It is a mantra that has carried him through life, from India to the Bay Area, in the office and at home as a father of two. His knack for identifying problems by analyzing root causes is one that has been nurtured over the course of his career. And it was this talent that helped Kunal save Ramp’s developers hundreds of hours a year in debugging and error-handling while simultaneously revolutionizing their go-to-market process.  

Native Integrations Weren’t Cutting It

It was in early 2022 when Kunal became aware of a multitude of issues across Ramp’s enterprise, blocking their ability to scale. The marketing team was completely underwater creating new campaigns completely manually, and had no formal process around their event segmentation The sales team faced a Hubspot/Salesforce native dependency, where data was unable to be synced across Salesforce, Hubspot, and the product in real time, causing 30+ minute delays and hundreds of hours of manual work a year. The operations team were being bombarded with more than 50 weekly L1 support tickets. Finally, the data team was encountering difficulties in the debugging and monitoring of data. The effects of these issues were compounding on one another, hampering Ramp’s growth and interfering in its mission to help customers control their spend, automate accounting, and manage vendors. The situation was complex— and Kunal wouldn’t accept it.

Opportunity Funnel in 2022

A workflow diagram of ramps old workflow

Solve Through Simplification

By this point, Kunal was deeply frustrated with Ramp’s inefficient and chaotic state of operations. With that, he and his team got to work. Kunal quickly realized the impracticality of Ramp’s fragmented point-to-point process for their data integration needs, and began searching for a platform with an API-led approach with the end goal of establishing a scalable, loggable framework that he could launch company-wide. Kunal conducted thorough research into multiple platforms but was drawn to only one in the end: Workato. 

He was impressed with Workato’s low-code API platform, with features such as different authentication schemes, out-of-the box load balancing, and concurrency— improving security, uptime, and performance in the process. With promises of shorter integration build times, complete auditability, and the hundreds of available connectors, it was a straightforward decision for Kunal. Through his direction, Ramp stopped relying on Hubspot workflows and synced directly with real-time Product events, while centralizing endpoints. Additionally, he set up data monitoring and alerting in Metaplane, SFDC, Datadog, and Workato. 

Opportunity Funnel Now

An opportunity funnel of how workato optimizes ramps sales ops

When The Dust Had Settled…

Kunal and his team had transformed the organization. Through the adoption of Workato, they saw significant improvements in several key areas:

  • Time to generate Salesforce opportunities was reduced from 31 minutes to 1 minute.
  • The number of L1 tickets on a weekly basis was reduced from ~50 to 10.
  • Ramp’s technical staff were able to reduce the time to debug their data system from ~1hr to 5 minutes.
  • Ramp was able to establish 4 new sales channels with minimal team dependency.

These improvements led to massive gains in productivity, allowing them to respond faster to their 25,000 customers worldwide and sparked a new era of efficiency for Ramp. Kunal reflected, “With all the data we captured in our funnel, we realized that so much more was possible than what we thought.”

AI On The Horizon

Kunal, despite achieving impressive results, is not yet satisfied in his quest for further simplicity, while not sacrificing power and speed. With advancements in artificial intelligence, he’s already looking to incorporate generative AI in their Salesforce code review process, as well as sprint and code summaries. Kunal is also aiming to automate Ramp’s billing, Configure Price Quote (CPQ), and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) processes, which would further streamline operations and reduce manual workloads. In an increasingly complex world, Kunal will be an essential driver for Ramp’s growth journey by keeping the simple things simple— and Ramp will be better off for it.

Click here to find out more about how Workato can facilitate your marketing and sales processes.