5 Marketing Apps that Your Team Can’t Miss Out On

More than 4 in every 5 adults in the U.S. have a smartphone. It’s become our platform of choice when...

Reinvent Your Onboarding Processes by Following these 4 Steps

This is a guest post from Cameron Hay, CEO of Dispatch Integration. His colleague Gavin Hay, co-founder and President of...

2 Lead Management Apps that Can Help You Respond to Leads Faster

Organizations by and large fail to respond to leads quickly.  Based on what we found in our lead response study,...

HR Automation: Definition, Examples, and Implementation

HR automation, sometimes referred to as HR workflow automation or HR process automation, is the use of technology to optimize...

5 HR Apps that Can Benefit Any Organization

Your HR department likely handles all types of activities—from interviewing candidates to managing employee compensation and benefits. To help your...

3 NetSuite Automations that Can Help Your Finance Operations Run Smoothly

Your organization’s ability to collect/make payments, stay compliant, and provide real-time reporting, largely depends on how you use your ERP,...

Accounts payable automation: what it is and how you can implement it

Is your accounts payable process filled with manually burdensome steps? Individual tasks, like reminding colleagues to sign an invoice or...

Work Automation Index

2024 Read our report