Integration and automation
9 business benefits of enterprise application integration
Discover how enterprise application integration can improve employee productivity, enhance the client experience, and more.
Integration and automation
AI workflow automation: examples, benefits, and tips
Learn how teams like sales, marketing, and business technology can benefit from AI-powered workflow automations.
Integration and automation
What is a hybrid integration platform? What to know
Uncover common ways to use it, the benefits it provides, and key criteria when evaluating different solutions.
Integration and automation
What is IT modernization? Definition, examples, best practices
We'll cover everything you need to know in order to modernize your applications and processes successfully.
Company News
Why you need to read "The New Automation Mindset"
Massimo shares why our upcoming book is a must-read for every business and IT leader, especially in today's business environment.
Thought Leadership
How large language models will impact the integration and automation space
Discover how they can improve your automations, the security measures they'll necessitate, and more.
Integration and automation
What is a systems integrator?
Learn about the top reasons for partnering with them, the benefits they provide, their business model, and more.