Embedded iPaaS vs. Integration Marketplace

Top 5 Embed Benefits

In today’s fast-paced digital world, companies are on a continuous hunt for solutions that streamline the integration of their ever-growing suite of software applications. To this end, we’ve seen the rise of two innovations: embedded iPaaS and integration marketplaces. Each plays a vital role in enabling software integrations but addresses different requirements and presents distinct benefits.

The difference between an embedded iPaaS and an integration marketplace primarily lies in their application and functionality within the integration ecosystem. Let’s take a look at the specifics.

What is an embedded iPaaS?

Embedded iPaaS represents a paradigm shift in how integrations are delivered and managed. Seamlessly integrated within software applications, it provides native integration and automation capabilities directly to end-users. 

This approach is especially beneficial for software providers focused on delivering a cohesive and integrated user experience from their platforms. It allows for built-in integration capabilities, enhancing user experience and streamlining workflows without necessitating users to navigate away from the application environment. For applications requiring direct, in-app integration capabilities, such as CRM or ERP systems, embedded iPaaS is a game-changer.

What is an integration marketplace?

An integration marketplace serves as a centralized platform where users can access, install, and manage a variety of integration solutions. It aims to simplify the adoption and implementation of integrations by offering instant installation, intuitive customization, and reducing reliance on partner development. 

The choice between embedded iPaaS and an integration marketplace

The choice between an embedded iPaaS and an integration marketplace hinges on specific organizational needs. For businesses seeking a robust, scalable, and user-friendly integration solution that can meet complex integration requirements, ensure security and compliance, and offer a favorable cost-benefit ratio, embedded iPaaS is an attractive option. It supports both pre-built connectors and custom integrations, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of applications. Moreover, its focus on simplifying integration complexities makes it ideal for non-technical users, significantly reducing the reliance on IT resources.

Conversely, an integration marketplace is ideal for users looking for a broad selection of integration solutions that can be easily accessed and managed from a centralized location. It is particularly suited for businesses that prioritize ease of adoption and are looking to quickly implement and start integrations without the need for extensive customization or development work.

The benefits of an embedded iPaaS

Embedded iPaaS offers significant benefits for businesses aiming to enhance their product offerings and streamline operations. Here are the key advantages:

  • Enhanced product functionality and value: Embedded iPaaS allows for direct integration within software applications, offering out-of-the-box connectivity and integration capabilities. This not only relieves developers from the burden of building and maintaining integrations but also allows them to focus on developing core product features. As a result, products can quickly go to market with robust integration capabilities, helping businesses win new clients and retain them at a higher rate.
  • Increased product stickiness and customer retention: By enabling seamless integrations with essential tools and services, embedded iPaaS makes a product more integral to a customer’s daily operations. This integration capability leads to increased product stickiness, higher customer retention rates, and potentially, an increase in revenue.
  • Custom automation and workflow creation: Embedded iPaaS empowers customers to build custom automations and workflows that connect different applications and services. This capability streamlines operations, enhances productivity, and allows for the automation of repetitive tasks. A low-code UI within an embedded integration platform further enables non-technical users to efficiently manage these automations.
  • Tailored customer experience: Embedded iPaaS provides flexibility in how integrations and automations are configured and deployed, enabling the creation of in-line experiences. Customers benefit from automations without needing to manage the setup and maintenance, thereby improving the overall customer experience.
  • Improved data accessibility and decision-making: By connecting a product with various data sources and applications, embedded iPaaS facilitates better data accessibility. This connectivity allows for the aggregation and analysis of data from multiple sources, leading to more informed decision-making and strategic insights.
  • Compliance and security: In industries where compliance and data security are paramount, embedded iPaaS offers solutions that meet rigorous standards, protecting data and bolstering business credibility.

Picking an embedded iPaaS

Workato offers a comprehensive, scalable, and flexible embedded iPaaS solution that caters to a wide range of integration and automation needs. Unlike integration marketplaces that may offer a broad selection of pre-built integrations but can be limited in terms of customization and scalability, Workato’s embedded iPaaS solution provides a robust platform that supports both pre-built connectors and the ability to create custom integrations. This ensures compatibility with a vast array of applications and meets complex integration requirements.

Workato solves these challenges with:

  • Scalability and flexibility: Workato offers unmatched scalability, allowing businesses to deliver integrations at the breadth and depth their customers demand. This is crucial for companies looking to grow and adapt to changing market needs without being constrained by their integration platform.
  • Comprehensive integration capabilities: With over 1000 pre-built and maintained connectors across all industry categories, plus a universal HTTP connector for instant access to any API, Workato ensures that businesses are never limited by category or use case. This extensive library, coupled with robust connector development tools like Open API, GraphQL, and SDK for niche applications, empowers companies to meet their customers’ diverse integration needs.
  • No-Code workflow engine: Workato’s powerful no-code workflow engine enables businesses to solve complex integration and automation challenges efficiently. This facilitates a quicker deployment of an integration marketplace that showcases the breadth of a product’s connectivity ecosystem, enhancing the end-user experience.
  • Enterprise-ready automation experience: Workato supports granular access permissions with third-party SSO support, allowing businesses to bring an enterprise-ready automation experience directly into their products. This deepens the product’s value by embedding secure iFrames and creating different customer journeys through Workato’s multi-tenancy architecture.
  • Customer experience options: Workato offers various CX options, including the ability to embed secure iFrames and create tailored customer journeys. This flexibility in integration and automation setup significantly improves the overall customer experience by providing in-line experiences that require minimal setup and maintenance from the end user.

Workato’s embedded iPaaS solution stands out in the comparison with integration marketplaces by offering a more scalable, flexible, and comprehensive platform. This enables businesses to not only meet their current integration and automation needs but also to future-proof their operations against evolving requirements.

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