Author: Brad Griffith

What Is Workflow Automation? An Overview With Examples

Your team could be spending less time on tedious tasks and more time on creative work.  Your customers could also...

Deal Desk: What It Is and How Automation Can Improve It

If you’ve worked in and around sales long enough, you’ve probably heard that selling is a team sport. This maxim...

What is a service desk chatbot? 4 reasons why you need one

The continual advances in AI and in machine learning (ML) offer ample opportunities for improving the experiences of your customers...

What Are HR Chatbots: 7 Examples and Their Benefits

As more and more employees work remotely, they’re undoubtedly experiencing a number of challenges.  New hires may have trouble getting up...

Data integration: what it is and how to implement it

Data integration is merging data from several sources into a single, cohesive perspective. This activity makes it easier for companies...

What Is SaaS Integration and Why Is It Important?

Work in sales? You more than likely use a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Work in finance? There’s little doubt...

API Integration: A Comprehensive Introduction

We live in a digital world surrounded by various applications. These applications deal with different kinds of data and speak...

Work Automation Index

2024 Read our report