Peer Insights™
Customer Recommendation
active users
2 min
to connect
Custom connections
via HTTP connector
Do everything in one place
When this happens…
- Conversation Category Added Real-timeConversation Category Added in Coax
- Conversation Category Removed Real-timeConversation Category Removed in Coax
- Conversation Category Updated Real-timeConversation Category Updated in Coax
- New Incoming Phone Call Real-timeNew incoming phone call in Coax
- New Contact Real-timeNew contact in Coax
- New Enquiry Real-timeNew enquiry in Coax
- New Incoming Message Real-timeNew incoming message in Coax
- New Outgoing Phone Call Real-timeNew outgoing phone call in Coax
- New Phone Call Real-timeNew phone call in Coax
- Review Requested Real-timeReview Requested in Coax
- Tracking deliveredTracking delivered in Coax
- Updated Contact Real-timeUpdated contact in Coax
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
- Custom actionCustom action in Coax (Custom)
- Ask For ReviewAsk for review on Coax. You can use {{ review_link }} as dynamic field to replace review link in messages. If not used, the link will be attached to the end of the message.
- Ask For Review (Batch) BatchBulk Ask for review on Coax. You can use {{ review_link }} as dynamic field to replace review link in messages. If not used, the link will be attached to the end of the message.
- Assign Category to EnquiryAssign a category to an enquiry on Coax.
- Check Marketing Opt-In DetailsCheck Marketing Opt-In Details On Coax.
- Count Sent/Received MessagesFetch the total number of sent and received messages associated with a specific enquiry ID.
- Create ActivityCreate a custom activity on Coax.
- Update Custom FieldUpdate Custom Field On Coax.
- Create NoteCreates a note on an enquiry on Coax.
- Create TaskCreates a task on an enquiry on Coax.
- Create Order TrackingCreate an order tracking on Coax.
- Delete Scheduled message on CoaxDelete Scheduled message on Coax.
- Find Custom Field SchemaFinds Custom Field Schema On Coax.
- Shorten LinkShortens a link using Coax.
- Get Courier Tracking LinkGet Courier Tracking Link for trackings created through Coax.
- Get Primary ContactsGet primary email, phone from contacts array received from Coax.
- Get Scheduled messages from CoaxGet Scheduled messages from Coax.
- Parse Phone NumberParse a Phone Number using Coax.
- Parse Phone Number (Batch) BatchParse Bulk Phone Number using Coax.
- Schedule message on CoaxSchedule SMS on Coax using the SMS channel.
- Search CustomersFind a contact on Coax by the given customers value.
- Send message through CoaxSend SMS through Coax using the SMS channel.
- Send message through Coax (Batch) BatchSend SMS through Coax using the SMS channel.
- Store VariablesStore variables for a job in Coax.
- Unassign Category from EnquiryUnassign a category from an enquiry on Coax.
- Update CustomerUpdate a contact on Coax by the given customers id.
- Create or Update ContactCreates or updates a contact on Coax.
- Find Or Create Conversation CategoryFinds or creates Conversation Category on Coax.
Any other action you can think up
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*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.