live product demo

Welcome to the Workato Kitchen

Join Workato Kitchen for a live product demo conducted by Workato’s leading chef. Find out what’s possible with integration-led automation and how you can whip up your own low-code/no-code automation through two demo options for Direct and Embed users.

Say hello to low-code/no-code automation

  • Workato Direct Platform Demo

    Workato Direct Platform Demo

    for IT, Business systems, or any line of business operation teams.


    In this Direct demo Workato experts guide you through the platform show you a few common recipes in action. Don't know how to code? No problem. The demo is for IT, business systems, or any line of business operation teams.

    Register now


    In this Direct demo Workato experts guide you through the platform show you a few common recipes in action. Don't know how to code? No problem. The demo is for IT, business systems, or any line of business operation teams.

    for IT, Business systems, or any line of business operation teams.

    Register now
  • Workato Embedded Platform Demo

    Workato Embedded Platform Demo

    for Product and Engineering teams


    In this Embedded demo Workato experts will guide you through the platform. You'll learn how to "serve" integrations to customers with embedded solutions. This demo is for product and engineering professionals.

    Register now


    In this Embedded demo Workato experts will guide you through the platform. You'll learn how to "serve" integrations to customers with embedded solutions. This demo is for product and engineering professionals.

    for Product and Engineering teams

    Register now
  • Let’s start automating

    Let’s start automating

    Discover how to easily integrate your applications and automate your workflows with our product demos. Whether you're a Direct or Embed user, explore our cookbook of community connectors to streamline common workflows, or create your own custom recipe to automate any process. Trust us to guide you through the process and save you hours of work.

Our happy Workato customers