Company News
Workato Recognized as the Sole Customers’ Choice for iPaaS
We’re thrilled to announce that Workato has been recognized as a Customers’ Choice for Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS),...
Written by
Miles Buckley
Thought Leadership
Automation and the Automation Mindset
Automation, at its core, refers to “the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.”...
Written by
Amit Strikovsky Shahar
Unlocking Business Value with Automation and Integration
Introduction: From Option to Imperative In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, automation and integration have become essential, not optional. A...
Written by
Anastasia Robinson
Accelerating Profitability: The Imperative of Enterprise Agility, Responsiveness, and Time-to-Market
New research from McKinsey reveals a game-changing insight: time-to-market isn’t just another KPI—it’s the single biggest driver of IT productivity...
Written by
Miles Buckley
Unlocking the Full Potential of Data: Why Combining Collibra and Workato Is a Game-Changer
In today’s data-driven world, large organizations are tasked with not only managing vast quantities of data but also extracting actionable...
Written by
Olivier Van Hoof